Indigenous Food Systems Network Website Launch
ork – Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty
On February 1, 2010, the Indigenous Food Systems Network Website was launched! The IFSN Website Project is a web-based centre for increasing awareness of issues, concerns and strategies related to protecting, conserving and restoring the myriad of Indigenous food based cultures across Canada.
The website provides an interpretive and interactive meeting place for: 1) networking and sharing information that promotes Indigenous food related action, research and policy reform, and 2) engaging individuals and groups in cross cultural dialogue and discussion relevant to Indigenous food sovereignty.
We believe these cross-cultural dialogues will raise awareness of contemporary Indigenous food sovereignty issues, concerns and strategies and how Indigenous values, perspectives and social networks shape the land and food systems. The website will appeal to various professionals, policy makers, as well as general public and groups involved in community food related action. Individuals and groups are encouraged to contribute content to the website which is managed following the five central themes including: health, generations and youth, land, sustainability, and economics.
An audience for the content already exists through the BC Food Systems Networks Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty (WGIFS). The WGIFS has been networking and meeting actively in BC for four years, with regional networks emerging within the last year. In 2007/2008 the WGIFS met with over 400 people in more than 16 communities across British Columbia to explore and identify ways the WGIFS could support individuals and groups working on increasing food security in Indigenous communities. At the National Food Secure Canada meeting held in Ottawa in November of 2008, a Canada-Wide Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty was designated as a priority.
The strength of this project lies in the relationships built within these extended networks of which the partnership between Siska Traditions Society, the BC Food Systems Network -Working Group for Indigenous Food Sovereignty and the Indigenous Diet Project - BC Environmental and Occupational Health Research Network Seed Grant has resulted. With these extended networks of Indigenous peoples and allies working to promote and protect Indigenous foods systems across the country we believe a vast and diverse audience will use the IFSN Website.
Website launch events and Train the Trainer's Workshops will be held in late February and early March in four regions around the province of B.C. including the Interior, Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and the North. Watch for upcoming announcement with details on dates, locations and venues.
Visit our website to upload and share resources and information and learn more about the Indigenous Food Systems Network: .
For more information contact:
Dawn Morrison, Coordinator
B.C. Food Systems Network
Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty
Phone: 250.679.1116
The following file is a 61 KB pdf document you many need to download Adobe Reader to open the file.

- Land Access/Distribution
- Land Grab
- Land Management
- Land Title and Rights
- Generations and Youth
- Elders
- Adults
- Youth
- Infants and Children
- Health
- Nutrition
- Environment
- Lifestyle
- Food Related Illness and Disease
- Sustainability
- Conservation Ecology
- Protection and Direct Action
- Responsibility and Relationships
- Eco-cultural Restoration
- Economics
- Community Economics
- Bioregional Economics
- Economic Values
- Household Economics